Category: Club News

Good Morning Woodinville Rotary!

Rotarian George extended a warm Rotary thank you to the Nardone’s, for donating an event at Nardo Land, and for their outstanding service to the community.

Guest speaker, Mickey Pierce, from InterConnection, spoke about their mission to provide access to technology to underserved communities. They accept computers along with other items and are located in Fremont.

Raffle prizes and Happy Dollars added a fun buzz to the room, as is the tradition at our meetings. After all, “Having Fun is Serious Business!”

Join us Tuesday morning, 7am at the Sammamish Grange.

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Category: Club News

Today’s meeting was jam packed. We covered a lot of topics and had some good laughs.

Allison, our newest member received her blue badge. Welcome Allison!

George talked about the Woodinville Heritage Society and one of the volunteers also shared her experience with the society. Everyone is encouraged to visit the museum to earn more about Woodinville and consider making a donation to help offset current budget concerns.

Wine grown from the foundation named Inclusion and a beautiful (spinning) medal was awarded to those that donated a minimum of $100 to join (Greater Grace Wine Appreciation Society (GGWAS). Dale talked about the grapes and the wine characteristics. Today several members will be harvesting grapes for the next batch of wine.

Our guest speaker today was Judy Beto who talked about kidney health and the importance of water. She made it rather entertaining as well as informative. Remember to drink your water!

Join us next week for more fun and socialization.

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Category: Club News

Good Morning Woodinville Rotary!

We are continuing to collect shoes, socks & computer monitors for the Mission of Grace Orphanage in Plaisance du Sud, Haiti for those in need. Please bring your donations to a Woodinville Rotary meeting or drop off boxes at Windermere Woodinville, Fairwinds Brittany Park or Woodinville Banner Bank. Thank you all who have donated!

A celebration is in order as we welcome Nancy Balin to the club! She received her new member packet, along with a ceramic pie holder, as is fitting for our resident “Pie Lady” ~ Glad to have you on board Nancy!

Guest speaker Don Rule, from Translational Software, spoke on the “Promise and Perils of Precision Medicine” ~ new advances in software, transforms genetic test results into actionable insight that improve patient outcomes.

Happy Dollars, Raffle Prizes and Fines by Bronco were next on the agenda. Always a fun part of the meeting!

After 60 years of service in 5 Rotary Clubs, Wayne Parris announced that this would be his last meeting. Thank you for your outstanding service Wayne, and we look forward to seeing you at our socials. Wishing you all the best!

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