October 2018 - Woodinville Rotary

Category: Club News

It was another great meeting with Woodinville Rotary!

In the spirit of continuing a club legacy, Snappy and Snapette bestowed Rotaractor Nathaniel Gibbs with a Rotary nickname: “Snapster” and welcomed him to the photo op family. Look for examples of Snapster’s talents on future photo posts.

Featured guest speaker, Julie McNamara-Dahl from REST discussed the problem of sex-trafficking in our area. The goal of REST is simple — freedom, safety, and hope to women & girls exploited by the sex trade. Visit their website to learn how you can help address this serious problem in our community.

Fundraising Chair Eric Greenwood presented a preliminary rundown of the auction numbers. Well done team!

We have a President-elect! A Rotary shoutout to Will Ibershof for stepping up to serve our club. We are looking forward to serving with you at the helm.

Rotaract Communications Director Mia Harris, Snapster aka Nathaniel Gibbs and Barbara who was a member of a Rotaract Club in Brazil represented UW Bothell Rotaract at today’s meeting. The SOS Sock & Scarf Drive is ongoing until October 31. Thank you for your donations!

We meet for breakfast on Tuesday mornings, 7am at the Sammamish Grange. Join us!

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Category: Club News

Our morning meeting began with the first ever “Rotary group invocation” prompted by John B. Hughes. Many members shared their thoughts on the Woodinville Rotary Peace Auction held this past Saturday. It was a perfect way to kick off our meeting!

Guests were introduced and announcements came next, including UW Bothell Rotaractor Mia Harris who promoted the UWB Rotaract SOS Sock & Scarf Drive going on this month until October 31. New or lightly used socks & scarves or cash donations will be accepted and donated to local homeless organizations in our community. Thank you to all who have donated!

Membership Director Tany Slater-Gautreau presented an update and led a group feedback and discussion session. Lots of great ideas were raised this morning.

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