Category: Club News

If you missed today’s meeting, you missed a very instructive presentation by Dr. Aaron Keith regarding coping with Covid isolation through exercise, diet and other non-medicinal means. One of the things he stressed was the use of supplements.
Supplements include:

  • Daily probiotic with at least 5 billion CFUs
  • Vitamin C @ about 1000-2000 mg day
  • Vitamin D3 @ 1000+ IU./day
  • Zinc – 15. Mg/day
  • Fish Oil – 1000 mg/day
  • N-Acetyl Cysteine @ 500-1000 mg/day
  • Quercetin – 500 mg/day
  • Melatonin – 1000 mg/day

Tim Burner and Paul Konrady were wished a Happy Birthday (no singing). Sandy provided a Happy $ for being able to enjoy a sunny day, and Tom provide a Happy $ for being able to drive Erv to the hospital to have his shoulder reconstructed. There was some confusion about this, since Tom suggested that the ball & socket would be reversed so that he could keep his arm raised forever. We can hardly wait to see the result!

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Category: Club News

Thanks to all who came to the meeting today! Here is the meeting recap in case you missed it:


    1. We inducted our newest member, Paul Olmsted! Welcome to the club, Paul–we are looking forward to getting to know you and serving our community together.
    2. Wishing a VERY happy birthday to Paul Konrady AND Paul Olmsted (1/23)!!
    3. MLK Food Drive is this Saturday from 12-3 at Sumerian Brewing. You can send funds to Allison, Mia or Carol if you want us to shop for you to donate to this event. Please sign up to volunteer or copy and paste link:
    4. An update from the Environmental Stewardship Community: Make a Difference in 2021! If you haven’t already completed an action, January is a great time to get started! The Challenge platform has information on easy actions you can take that fight climate change, save money and create a healthier, more resilient community. Visit to find actions and make a difference in 2021!
    5. Fundraising Committee update: the sponsorship/procurement “tool kit” will go out by email this week. Please reach out to Allison with what item(s)/sponsorships you want to procure so we can update our master list. Next meeting is Thursday 1/21 at 5pm (zoom).
    6. Because it came up in the meeting, here is WA state website where you can find out your eligibility for the Covid vaccine or copy and paste into your browser:

Our Speaker

This morning we heard from Gina Cotner, who coached us through some ways to cope with the mental health toll of the pandemic and heavy current events. The value of talking and authentic conversation is more important now than ever. Checking in on each other, and allowing space to answer truthfully (not just “How are you?” “I’m great”) is an important way to let off steam and get things out. And secondly, to figure out what renews us–and deliberately spend time doing those things (ie, self-care). This is an important way to avoid burn-out and keep out spirits high. More info about Gina’s business and virtual assistants can be found here or copy and past link into your browser:

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Category: Club News

Thanks to all who came to the meeting today! Here is the meeting recap in case you missed it:
Announcements included:

  • We have received the $8000 grant from the district and the refrigeration unit has been ordered! Susan will keep us updated on progress and ways we can participate.
  • Ken called on members to highlight ways they are personally working to have a positive impact on the environment. Examples included eating less animal products/meat, reusable bags, hybrid vehicles and thoughtful recycling.
  • Carol gave an update that the Rotary-Rotaract-Interact food drive has been moved to the Saturday the 23rd, at Sumerian Brewing from 12-3. Sign up list will be going out soon.

The fundraising committee presented this year’s auction: A Hand Full of Food, a Heart Full of Hope: Bringing PEACE to communities through hunger relief.

Please email Allison with what items/sponsorships you want to solicit, and she will update the master list and send out to the club on Friday. We are trying to avoid having multiple members solicit from the same businesses/individuals.

The committee will be sending out a “tool kit” with some of the invitation documents for you to help invite, including a customizable letter and a 1-page info graphic about who we are and what we do. These will come by email by the end of the week.

We will go over how to register at a later meeting.

The brief slide show from the meeting is here for your reference.

We will resume our speakers on the health/wellness theme next week!

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Category: Club News

Happy New Year to all of you! Here is the meeting recap in case you missed it:

We heard from Ty Reed, who fought his way back from a grim rock bottom with meth and alcohol addiction. He got sober in 2016 and now has a small non-profit to help those beginning to pull themselves out of addiction find employment. He helped us understand the experience of addiction, and the different labels associated with it.

Chloe from Interact shared a fundraiser that Interact is doing: Running into the New Year, a virtual 5k. Sign up or share to support their fundraising goals. Direct links:

Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact are combining forces on a food drive for our Woodinville families! It will be January 16th, 12-3–more details to come!

We had so much Happiness shared during happy dollars this morning: Marilyn announced a new job as a Broker for John L Scott; Bob announced his daughter had a successful hip surgery; Hugo celebrated the 1 year recovery anniversary of his stroke last year; Luann shared that while the holidays weren’t full of time off for her, but that Rotary helps bring joy to her weeks; and Jen gave thanks for having her oldest son living in the area once again…and there were some mumblings from Erv and Tana about our club president.

The fundraising committee will meet THIS Thursday (Jan 7th) at 5pm on Zoom. All are welcome and the link will be sent out tomorrow afternoon.

Wishing you all a bright New Year, and cheers to turning the page to a fresh start!

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