Category: Club News

Exciting happenings this morning at Woodinville Rotary!

District 5030 Vocational Service Chair, Chris Boland, gave updates on the new focus for this area of service that can begin at the club level. Good seeing you Chris!

Wall of Honor Board Members were presented with a $9,000 check, from the proceeds of their 3 Community Partners Tables at our recent Woodinville Rotary Fundraising Auction. Big things happen when we partner together!

Incoming District 5030 Governor Alex announced details of the 2018 District Conference at the Tulalip Resort & Spa. Assisted by Rotaractors Lamiya and Derek, Chief of Staff Jeff led the banner brigade, which will be displayed after July 1st at our club. We are looking forward to “Opening New Doors to Rotary” this year!

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