Category: Club News

It was great to see such a big group this morning! Here is a recap in case you missed the meeting:

  1. Happy birthday Mike Tenhulzen (2/17)!! We hope you are having fun in Mexico!
  2. Welcome to our newest member, Teresa Perdue! We are so happy you’ve joined our club.
  3. This morning we heard from speaker Jacques White from Long Live the Kings, a nonprofit to help salmon populations in the greater Puget Sound. This was an excellent presentation and so full of information that I couldn’t keep up with notes! You can check them out at: They are having a virtual event this Thursday evening.
    LLTK Home – Long Live The Kings
    Long Live the Kings was founded in 1986 by a group of salmon enthusiasts alarmed by the decline of wild salmon. Convinced of the long-term need for habitat protection and restoration, LLTK’s founders were intrigued by the potential for rebuilding and sustaining wild salmon populations in the near term.

    If you want to play a fun game visit Survive the Sound website.

  4. We were visited by Corey Johnson from Imagine Scholar, along with one of his alumni, Lucky. They shared that the program is going well and that the alumni are beginning to take active participation in running the organization. The student we sponsor, Sunny, is also doing well!
  5. President Elect Andy shared a message about diversity and inclusivity.
  6. Pat Ford wants to share that her email was hacked, and that if you replied to her spam email yesterday, she did not receive it (but believes that the hacker did). In general, do not open or engage with emails you suspect to be spam. It’s better to call the person.
  7. The Fundraising Committee meets this Thursday at 5pm by Zoom.  (President of the Lake Forest Park Club, JP Mahar, joined us this morning to share that they raised about $85k at their virtual auction last week! We can do this!)
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